
Program Explanations/Disability Criteria

Developmental Cognitive Disability (DCD)
     Services are provided for students who score at or below the 15th percentile
 in adaptive behavior and at least two standard deviations below
 average general intellectual functioning

Special Learning Disability (SLD)
      Services are provided for students who score in the average to above average
 ability range (IQ) and have a severe discrepancy between ability and achievement tests
 in one or more of the seven basic areas which include basic reading, reading comprehension,
 listening comprehension, oral expression, written expression, basic math and math reasoning.

Emotionally/Behavioral Disorders (E/BD)
     Services are provided for the students who exhibit emotional/behavioral characteristics
 that interfere with the educational performance of self and/or others.  Characteristics might
 include difficulty in learning, inability to build or maintain relationships, inappropriate behavior,
 depression, physical symptoms, and fears.

Speech and Language
      Services are provided for students who have communication disorders in the following areas:
 articulation, language, fluency, and voice.  The amount of time a student receives services is
 based on the disorder and the severity of the delay.  The level of communication deficiency
 is obtained through formal and informal testing procedures.

Developmental Adaptive Physical Education (DAPE)
      Services are provided for students who have physical disabilities, which require
 specialized training beyond the regular physical education realm.

Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
      Services are provided for students from birth to seven years who require specialized speech/language,
 adaptive physical education, learning and/or behavior training. Dover-Eyota Schools have a
 center-based program and a home-based program.


   Curriculum, grading, and instruction of each individual child are based upon team decisions made at the students’ annual Individual Education Plan (IEP) meeting. Students’ progress will be evaluated through the student’s Individual Education Plan.

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