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Welcome to Mrs. Rice’s First Grade Class
Classroom Schedule
8:05-8:30 Attendance, Lunch Count, Morning Meeting, Bathroom, Snack and Folder Check
8:30-9:55 Group 1 Math/Science or Reading/Social Studies
9:55-10:00 Bathroom
10:00-10:15 Show and Tell
10:15-10:55 Target Time-Guided Reading Groups
10:55-11:00 Bathroom/Wash Hands
11:00-11:55 Lunch/Recess
11:55-12:00 Bathroom
12:00-12:50 Specials
12:50-1:00 Bathroom
1:00-2:25 Group 2 Math/Science or Reading/Social Studies
2:25-2:40 Bathroom/Get Ready for Home
2:40-2:45 Walk to the buses and pick up areas