Help D-EVN! Become a Volunteer!

To volunteer, you can view the D-EVN schedules and sign-up for events using the “Game Schedule & Sign-Up for Volunteers” link. If you are new to volunteering, D-EVN asks that you to fill out your Contact Information using the “Volunteer Contact Information Form” link provided at the left-hand side of this web-page as well. You can also volunteer by contacting D-E Technology Director Bryan Berg (at
Help out D-EVN as a volunteer!
Because of the new Pixellot camera technologies that have been used in our Varsity Gym and the Football/Soccer field starting in 2021-2022, announcers are the primary volunteers that will be needed for most events, but there will undoubtedly be some events when a camera operator and possibly graphics would be needed!
Be an ANNOUNCER!: Know and love a sport? Or you just have a “gift of gab”? Become an announcer! Not sure about the ins and outs? Dover-Eyota’s Technology Director, Bryan Berg, has worked as a sports announcer for KORD (Concordia College-Moorhead’s Campus Radio), and local outlets KFIL Radio & KVGO (“Fun 104”) with studios in Preston, Winona Radio, D-EVN (of course!), CCTV (Chatfield), STEW-19 (Stewartville) and KING-11 (Spring Valley) for over 25 years with eight years as KFIL Radio’s Sports Director. Bryan is more than happy to draw on his experiences and show you what you’ll need, and give you tips and pointers for doing a great job and having fun. Bryan’s #1 tip? Don’t be afraid of making a mistake, because every announcer makes them! The #2 tip is to HAVE FUN and STAY POSITIVE! Bryan also helps prep for the varsity sports broadcasts by gathering info and stats that you can use! An example of a great student announcer on YouTube.
Run the CAMERA!: There are basics for running the camera, and they are a little different for each sport and event, but Bryan will train you! The fundamental rule is to follow the ball for athletic events, and follow what a general audience would be focusing on for other events, such as a coronation ceremony. From there, you can start getting more creative! The best way to learn what a camera does is to watch a sporting event on TV or online and really look at the kinds of views you are shown in the broadcast. That’s the basics! It’s easy, and it’s fun! – Examples of camera shots to use for games (basic rule of thumb, stay somewhat wide and follow the ball): basketball, soccer, football. and volleyball
Do the GRAPHICS! In cases where the automated Pixellot cameras can’t be used, and a camera set-up with a laptop needs to be done, software that the NFHS Network provides for D-EVN includes several fun and helpful graphics options such as scoreboards that can be shown on the screen at all times, along with informational graphics (such as “Keys to the Game”), as well as the ability for us to create our own graphics. Pre-made videos can even be played during timeouts! In a nutshell, a lot of the graphics that are used for professional broadcasts are available for our productions as well! Down the road, we hope to create and use informational and sponsor-driven videos that we can also play during our broadcasts. To really make the graphics work well requires a person to handle those during the productions. It sounds more complicated, than it actually is! It’s easy to learn, and changing graphics is basically just a couple of clicks of the mouse! Consider handling graphics as a volunteer! An example of a basketball game with NFHS graphics in full use (on YouTube)
There are other ways to get involved! You can record a community event and provide D-EVN with the video to have uploaded for viewing on-demand, as one such option! To volunteer, just contact D-E Technology Director Bryan Berg (at
Thank you! Volunteers make D-EVN productions the best they can be!