
Application Link for employment opportunities listed below

 (Substitute Teachers please see the Teachers on Call information on the side bar under quick links)

To view some renderings of our building project, please visit:  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vR2QlYBJAjZrjV-5f5_NfLvm62hJs7Rp3LYS0qBu1cDKmaIEvXPDY29lrRpxD-G6XHzitrcTHWDEdj7/pub?start=true&loop=true&delayms=5000&slide=id.g20eb20f1c1b_0_0

Middle/High School 

English Teacher, Full Time 2024-2025
Media Center Paraprofessional, Full Time 2024-2025
Special Education Paraprofessional, Full Time 2024-2025

Coaching Opportunities

9th Grade Volleyball Coach, Fall 2024
Head Dance Coach, Winter 2024/2025 
Head Cross Country Coach, Fall 2024

Transportation & Grounds

Van Driver – (must be at least 25 years old)
School Bus Route Driver
Sub/Extra-Curricular Drivers

For more information on bus route positions, contact Transportation Coordinator, Cheryl Gardner,
at cherylgardner@deschools.org or 507-545-2633

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