Sponsoring D-EVN!
Beginning with the 2021-2022 School Year and continuing for into this year, is the ability for businesses, organizations and even individuals to sponsor D-EVN for a broadcast season! The automation capabilities of the Pixellot Camera systems in the Varsity Gym and at the Soccer/Football Field means that – unlike in previous years because the livestreams relied on there being volunteers to run the camera – there is a virtual guarantee that all the games and matches in those locations will be livestreamed.
What’s also exciting with the Pixellots is that JV, and – for some sports – the 9th grade games and matches are also shown nearly automatically!
From a sponsorship aspect, what all this means is that a logo or “virtual sign” for your sponsorship can be shown – on a rotating basis – on the livestream broadcasts themselves!
As it has been since 2021, the goal for this year (and hopefully future years) is to make sponsorship simple. For $300, your

ess, organization, or you as an individual, can sponsor the livestreams done by D-EVN for the 2023-2024 School Year. That will primarily be for Fall and Winter seasons. Sponsors will also have their logo rotated among other sponsor logos for the Pixellot Game Broadcasts. The logos get shown in one of three corner locations in the livestream broadcast (an example is at the right), and the rotations are done on a day by day basis on each Pixellot system. So, if your logo is part of the rotation for that day on the Varsity Gym Pixellot, it’ll be shown for all the games/matches that are broadcast that day from the Varsity Gym.
Additionally, your logo/sign will be shown on the “Watch the Games, Matches and Events in 2023-2024” area of the D-EVN site (see what was done for 2021-2022 as an example at this link: https://www.desch.org/page/7449) . There will also be a couple of short “sponsorship” videos that will be created with name mentions of the sponsors that the NFHS will run as part of their rotation for “pre-roll” videos that are shown before the livestream gets shown to a viewer. This is similar to what YouTube does when it shows an advertisement (or multiple ads) prior to showing the video you chose to view.
If there are announcers that have volunteered to announce a particular game or match, they will have a list of the sponsors that they will read off and thank during the livestream broadcast as well.
And, on top of that, there will be a “sponsor highlight” done on the Dover-Eyota District’s Facebook page of our sponsors about once every couple of weeks during the school year as well as a Thank You ad in the Eagle Newspaper.
The goal for this year is to have 15 sponsors, and to raise $4500. $4000 of that will cover the cost to keep all the D-EVN livestream broadcasts done via the NFHS Network free to watch for anyone with a free NFHS account. The other $500 would then be used for equipment maintenance (such as the audio mixer, headsets and cabling for the announcers, and cameras and equipment for manual broadcasts as needed, or to be used for other video work at the school), and to provide “Thank You” items for the volunteers, like T-shirts, or to maybe fund a small stipend, similar to what D-EVN did for volunteers from 2016-2017 until the 2018-2019 school year with a grant from the Dover-Eyota Foundation at that time.
Just some quick viewership statistics from the 2021-2022 season:
Total Number of events broadcast: 151
Total number of clicks on the District’s D-EVN “Watch the games…” Page: 16,331
– this page had all the sponsors listed at the top with contact
info, logos and – if applicable – a link to the sponsor’s web page –
see: https://www.desch.org/page/7449
Total Number of Event Live views: 11,829
Total number of events viewed “on-demand”: 4554
Total number of views for all events: 16,383
– the broadcasts commonly included a brief video
thanking the sponsors that ran prior to viewing the event –
And, some from the 2022-2023 season:
Total Number of events broadcast: 146Total number of clicks on the District’s D-EVN Page: 12,823– this page had all the sponsors listed at the top with contactinfo, logos and – if applicable – a link to the web page –see: https://www.desch.org/page/7648 Total Number of Event Live views: 10,838Total number of events viewed “on-demand”: 7307Total number of views for all events: 18,145
To become a sponsor, or if you have any questions about sponsoring D-EVN, please contact Bryan Berg at bryanberg@deschools.org
Thank you!